“Let’s Ring Freedom Bells!"

“Let’s Ring Freedom Bells!” These are the words of President John F. Kennedy proclaiming July 4, 1963, the ringing of bells on Independence Day. A celebration of Freedom, a celebration of the Guardian Angels Who Protect Us: America’s Troops - Firefighters - Police

Purpose: Reviving an American Tradition of Bell Ringing on this historic holiday to “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout the land unto all inhabitants thereof.” Inscription on the Liberty Bell

When: July 4th at 2:00 p.m., this is the time in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was adopted and bells range in celebration.

Why: As we celebrate our freedom, we celebrate the guardian angels who protest us – America’s troops, firefighters, and police.

Where: Wherever you are – at home, a picnic, a parade, a beach, boating, sporting event, shopping, etc.

How: It’s easy: ring a bell 3 times. If you don’t have a bell, shake your keys or tap a glass. Encourage your community to ring church bells, fire sirens, school bells, etc. As grateful Americans, let us all ring for our liberty throughout the land as One People, One Nation!

Background: In the early 1700s, the bell was a call to bring people together. The bell ringing connects us to our forefathers by using the same instrument of freedom they used to celebrate the founding of our great nation and honor God’s wonderful blessings on this Land of the Brave! The Liberty Bell is viewed as a symbol of our freedom and independence. However, most symbolism related to bells is religious in nature. It can be traced all the way back to the “dinner bells” in the Old Testament. The use of bells is universal and a huge part of people’s lives and cultures.

Sponsors: No Greater Love and the Iron Workers, Firefighters, Sheet Metal International Unions, AFL-CIO, are initiating a revival of “Let’s Ring Freedom Bells.” Join us in celebrating our freedom and those Guardian Angels who protect us and who serve with honor and courage. Our patriot participants include: Dear Abby, Veterans and Civic Organizations.

Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: At 2 p.m., July Fourth, I would love nothing better than for all Americans to stop briefly and give our country a ring ... well, THREE rings to be exact.

On July 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed the ringing of bells nationwide with the words, "Let's ring freedom bells!" I was a White House aide then, and I vividly recall how exciting it was when bells rang across the nation coast to coast. Since then, many Americans have forgotten to keep the tradition going. Let's start again!

From one American to another, I ask all citizens to help me revive the ringing of bells at 2 p.m. this July Fourth in celebration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. It's easy. Ring a bell, shake your keys, tap a glass or find a bell-ringing app on your smartphone. It will give our country a much-needed sense of unity and connection to our past as one nation, one people.

The Ironworkers, Sheet Metal Workers and Firefighters International Unions of the AFL-CIO, The National Cartoonists Society and Malmark Inc. have joined with No Greater Love in this special celebration of our freedom and the guardians who protect us -- our troops, firefighters and police.

Please, Abby, make your millions of readers aware of this effort. As inscribed on the Liberty Bell, "Let us proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." -- CARMELLA LASPADA, FOUNDER, NO GREATER LOVE